
Introduction to Everclear

Learn more about Everclear and find out how the first Clearing Layer coordinates the global settlement of liquidity between blockchains

What is Everclear?

Discover the future of liquidity settlement

Everclear coordinates the settlement of liquidity between blockchains. By doing so, Everclear solves the fragmentation issue modular blockchains are confronted with.

Everclear’s Vision

Understanding what Everclear seeks to accomplish

From a technological perspective, decentralized applications have the power to put ownership, control, and value back into the hands of sovereign individuals. However, these applications are not easily accessible by anyone. Everclear seeks to solve this challenge by solving fragmentation for modular blockchains.

Arjun Bhuptani

Cofounder Everclear

“At Everclear, our goal is to establish a decentralized network that coordinates global netting and settlement of capital flows between chains.

Everclear’s vision is to build the future of value transfer on the internet. This becomes possible when everyday users can exchange value effortlessly between disparate crypto ecosystems.

Imagine a world in which crypto users can seamlessly access the rich features of diverse crypto ecosystems from a single wallet, without having to acquire the native token of a given ecosystem. This is the chain abstracted future Everclear is building.

Understanding Everclear

What does Everclear do?

Learn more about how Everclear paves the way for efficient liquidity settlement

Solving Fragmentation

Efficient settlement of liquidity to solve fragmentation of modular blockchains

Everclear is the first Clearing Layer that coordinates global netting and settlement of capital flows between blockchains.

Why Is Everclear Needed in the First Place?

A steadily growing number of new L2s and AppChains are making the user experience increasingly complex, expensive, and slow.

Crosschain functionalities are not enough to solve this problem as trade offs between security, speed, and costs need to be made.

To provide end users with secure, cost-efficient, seamless, and sub-second experiences, the vision of Chain Abstraction needs to be realized: Users should never have to care what chain they are on.

The Problem

Chain Abstraction powered by Intents is only economical for a small number of blockchains and assets. This is because solvers, market makers, and CEXs are managing their liquidity in an isolated manner across chains.

There is no shared system for market participants to coordinate capital flows and settlement between chains.

At a higher level, about 80% of global flows of funds between blockchains are nettable. This means that out of every $1 flowing into a given blockchain (for example Arbitrum or Optimism), $0.80 will flow out on a typical day.

How Does Everclear Solve This Problem?

Everclear is a decentralized network for coordinating the global netting and settlement of capital flows between blockchains.

  • Everclear reduces rebalancing costs and complexity by 10x for CEXs, intent projects, solver networks, and market makers.
  • Everclear provides permissionless liquidity that dApps and bridges can build on.
  • Everclear is the foundation of an emerging stack that powers end-to-end Chain Abstraction for every chain, asset, and application.

Visa is a good analogy for Everclear: When making a purchase with your card, the bank transaction isn’t executed instantly. Instead, Visa clears the transaction upfront and then nets off all transactions and settles between banks later in the day. This approach massively reduces complexity and cost for both users and banks.

Clearing Layers

Presently, 5x-10x more volume is sent in between blockchains, bridges, and CEXs than needed.

Everclear drastically improves liquidity efficiency by netting the flow of funds between blockchains.

Everclear utilizes Clearing Layers to increase liquidity efficiency.

A Clearing Layer is a decentralized network that coordinates global netting and settlement of capital flows between chains.

Clearing Layers reduce the costs and complexity of rebalancing by up to 10x by netting and integrating into the best settlement mechanism for any given ecosystem.

Introducing Everclear

The First Clearing Layer

Everclear is the first Clearing Layer that coordinates global netting and settlement of capital flows between blockchains.

By settling capital flows through Everclear, the cost and complexity for coordinating around liquidity is drastically reduced for blockchains, CEXs, and applications. Everclear makes these costs 10x less expensive than they are today, allowing applications to power any blockchain and application they are interested in.

Key benefits of Everclear


What Problem Does Everclear Solve?